CGWA NOC Consultancy Service - Allegiance
Water Management
Allegiance Water Management is a company that provides a range of services including Environmental Impact Assessment, NOC from CGWA, Designing Observation well, Geohydrological Survey, Rainwater Harvesting, Resistivity & Geo Physical Investigation, and Water Audit.
The NOC from CGWA (Central Ground Water Authority) is a regulatory mechanism to prevent over-extraction of groundwater. By obtaining this certificate, entities demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. The CGWA acts as a watchdog, regulating groundwater extraction through a system of “No Objection Certificates” (NOCs)3. This system helps prevent overexploitation and ensures sustainable use of this vital resource.
Allegiance Water Management appears to be well-regarded for their work in Gujarat, with positive client testimonials4. They also provide updates and education about rainwater harvesting techniques and benefits, and how to collect, store, and utilize rainwater for sustainable water management and conservation.
Mail id : info.allegianceindia@gmail.com Mob :+91 86909 24755 & +91 94084 25896
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