Observation well - Allegiance Water Management
An observation well, also known as a monitoring well, is a specialized type of well used to monitor groundwater levels, quality, and other hydrogeological parameters. Here’s what you need to know about observation wells and their role in water management:
Purpose of Observation Wells:
Groundwater Monitoring: Observation wells provide data on groundwater levels over time. This information helps assess trends, seasonal variations, and potential impacts.
Water Quality Assessment: They allow sampling and analysis of groundwater quality, including chemical composition and contaminants.
Environmental Studies: Observation wells are crucial for environmental impact assessments and studies related to land use changes, pollution, and aquifer behavior.
Construction and Design:
Depth: Observation wells are typically shallower than production wells.
Materials: They are constructed using materials that do not significantly alter groundwater chemistry (e.g., stainless steel, PVC).
Screened Section: The well casing has a screened section to allow water entry while preventing sediment and debris.
Monitoring Equipment: Observation wells may have instruments like pressure transducers or data loggers for continuous monitoring.
Monitoring Process:
Regular measurements of water level (static water level) are taken using a dip tape or electronic sensors.
Water samples are collected periodically for chemical analysis.
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