Rain Water Harvesting
Rain water harvesting is a simple yet effective method used to conserve rainwater by collecting, storing, conveying, and purifying it for later use.
Process of Rain water Harvesting:
1.Rainwater is collected from various surfaces such as rooftops, parks, roads, and open grounds.
2.The collected rainwater is stored in tanks or other storage structures.
3.It can be used for various purposes, including irrigation, washing, cleaning, bathing, cooking, and livestock needs.
Components of Rainwater Harvesting Systems:
a)Catchment: Collects and stores rainwater.
b)Conveyance System: Transports water from the catchment to the recharge zone.
c)Flush: Clears out the initial rainwater.
d)Filter: Removes pollutants from collected rainwater.
e)Tanks and Recharge Structures: Store filtered water ready for use.
Factors Affecting Water Harvested:
Quantum of Runoff: The amount of water flowing off surfaces.
Catchment Features: Characteristics of the collection area.
Environmental Impact: Effects on the ecosystem.
Technology Availability: Access to suitable systems.
Storage Tank Capacity: Determines how much water can be stored.
Roof Type and Slope: Influences water collection efficiency.
Rainfall Frequency, Quantity, and Quality: Key factors.
Groundwater Recharge Speed: How quickly rainwater replenishes groundwater.
Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting:
Water Conservation: Helps combat water scarcity.
Pure and Good Quality Water: Rainwater is naturally clean.
Multiple Uses: Suitable for various domestic and industrial purposes.
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