Rain Water Harvesting - Allegiance Water Management
Rooftops Rain Water Harvesting
Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a valuable technique for managing water resources.
Definition and Process:
Rooftop rainwater harvesting involves collecting and storing rainwater from building roofs. The system typically includes downpipes, roof gutters, and a storage tank.
Rainwater is collected from impermeable areas (like rooftops) to prevent surface water runoff. It’s then diverted to a tank or reservoir for future use.
The collected water can be treated and purified for non-potable household activities, such as watering gardens or flushing toilets1.
Components of a Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System:
Collection Pipe: Collects rainwater from roofs and impermeable surfaces.
Tank: Usually made of plastic, it stores the harvested rainwater.
Treatment: Ensures water quality by removing contaminants.
Pump: Transfers water to points of use.
Cistern: Holds the water.
Distribution Pipe: Carries water to its intended destination.
Controls: Monitor water levels and other system parameters1.
Water Conservation: Reduces dependency on traditional water sources.
Mitigates Flood and Drought Risks: Helps manage water supply.
Sustainable: Eases the impact of urbanization and combats water scarcity
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Allegiance Water Management (Unit of Allegiance Enterprise )
Mail id : info.allegianceindia@gmail.com Mob :+91 86909 24755 & +91 94084 25896
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