Rain Water Harvesting - Allegiance Water Management
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Rain Water Harvesting is Best Method for Problem of Water Logging.
Rainwater harvesting filters are essential for ensuring the quality and usability of collected rainwater. They help remove debris, contaminants, and other impurities before the water enters the storage tank. Here are some common types of filters used in rainwater harvesting systems:
Pre-Tank Filters:
Downpipe Filters: These filters are installed in the downpipe and capture debris like leaves and twigs before the water enters the storage tank.
Vortex Filters: These use a swirling motion to separate debris from the water. They are highly efficient and require minimal maintenance.
Horizontal Filters: Designed for commercial applications, these filters use a mesh to remove debris and are installed horizontally.
In-Tank Filters:
Line Ar Filters: These are placed inside the storage tank and use similar technology to vortex filters to remove debris.
Post-Tank Filters:
Particulate Filters: These are used after the water leaves the storage tank to remove any remaining particles before the water is used
What is Rainwater Harvesting ?
How much water can I save by Method of Rain Water Harvesting ?
How to Recharge Ground Level ?
How Much cost of Rain Water Harvesting Filters ?
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Allegiance Water Management (Unit of Allegiance Enterprise )
Mail id : info.allegianceindia@gmail.com Mob :+91 86909 24755 & +91 94084 25896
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