Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting
Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a straightforward technique that involves collecting and storing rainwater from a house’s roof for various purposes. The harvested rainwater can be utilized for non-potable household activities, such as watering gardens, thereby diminishing reliance on conventional water sources
The catchment area is the surface that directly receives rainfall. It can be a courtyard, terrace, or unpaved/open ground.
Rooftops (whether flat RCC, sloping, or stone roofs) contribute rainwater to the harvesting system.
The catchment area plays a crucial role in rainwater collection.
Rainwater from the rooftop needs to be carried down to the storage or harvesting system.
UV-resistant water pipes of the required capacity are used for this purpose.
Gutters and downpipes catch water from sloping roofs, and wire mesh at the mouth of each drain restricts floating debris.
First Flush:
The first flush device prevents contamination of stored or rechargeable water by atmospheric pollutants and roof contaminants.
It flushes out the water received during the initial shower.
Additionally, during dry seasons, it helps clean silt and other materials deposited on the roof.
Filters are essential for treating rainwater, removing turbidity, color, and microorganisms.
After the first flush, rainwater passes through filters to improve its quality.
Benefits of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting:
Water Conservation: By capturing rainwater, we reduce dependency on traditional water sources.
Sustainable: It contributes to sustainable water management and groundwater recharge.
Cost-Effective: Harvested rainwater can be used for various non-drinking purposes, saving on potable water bills.
Environmental Impact: It helps maintain ecological balance and supports green practices.
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