Rooftop Rain Water Harvesting -Æ Water Managements
Rooftop rainwater harvesting is a method of collecting and storing rainwater from building roofs. The system typically includes downpipes, roof gutters, and a storage tank. This harvested rainwater can be used for non-potable household activities such as watering gardens, reducing dependency on traditional water sources1. Here are the key components of rooftop rainwater harvesting:
Catchment: The catchment area is the surface that directly receives rainfall, such as a courtyard, terrace, or open ground. It contributes rainwater to the harvesting system.
Transportation: Rainwater from the rooftop is carried down through water pipes or drains to the storage system. UV-resistant pipes of the required capacity are essential.
First Flush: A first flush device prevents contaminants from reaching the stored or rechargeable water. It also helps clean silt and other materials deposited on the roof.
Filter: Filters treat water to remove turbidity, color, and microorganisms effectively.
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