What is Rain Water Harvesting - Allegiance Water Management
Rainwater harvesting is the simple process of collecting and storing rainwater for later use. It involves capturing rainwater from surfaces like rooftops, roads, and open grounds, directing it to a container (such as a tank or cistern), and allowing it to replenish groundwater levels.
Purpose of Rainwater Harvesting:
Beyond water collection, rainwater harvesting is crucial for managing our natural resource. It reduces the strain on municipal water supplies, especially in water-scarce areas.
It ensures a supplementary water source during dry spells and contributes to maintaining ecological balance by replenishing groundwater levels.
In sustainable development, rainwater harvesting aligns with efficient water resource use and decreases our environmental footprint.
How It Works:
Rainwater is captured where it falls (usually on rooftops) using gutters and downspouts.
The water is channeled into storage vessels (tanks or barrels).
The stored water can be filtered and used for various purposes, including irrigation, landscaping, and even drinking12.
Reduces demand on municipal water systems.
Increases resilience against climate change impacts.
Encourages responsible water usage and conservation.
Landscape irrigation
Wildlife and livestock watering
Stormwater control
Fire protection
Allegiance Water Management
(Unit of Allegiance Enterprise )
+91 86909 24755 & +91 94084 25896
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