Rain Water Harvesting - Allegiance Water Management
Rooftop rainwater harvesting involves collecting rainwater from rooftops and directing it to storage solutions like wells, borewells, or recharge wells. This system is an efficient way to conserve water and ensure its availability for future use. It’s particularly beneficial in regions prone to water scarcity.
The process includes:
Collection: Rainwater is collected from the rooftop.
Conveyance: Pipes or gutters channel the water to storage.
Storage: Water is stored in tanks or directed to groundwater recharge systems.
Usage: Stored water can be used for various purposes, including irrigation, flushing toilets, and even for drinking if properly treated.
1. What Is Rain Water Harvesting?
2. What Is the Process of Rain Water Harvesting?
3. What is the Cost of rain Water Harvesting?
4. How to water Table Increase In your Area ?
Allegiance Water Management (Unit of Allegiance Enterprise )
Mail id : info.allegianceindia@gmail.com Mob :+91 86909 24755 & +91 94084 25896
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