CGWBNOC by Allegiance


INR 100000

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CGWA Clearance Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) . Statement indicating position of pending cases received for NOC for ground water withdrawal. Statement showing list of project proposals to whom NOC for ground water withdrawal has been issued. The annual replenishable ground water resources availability plays an important role in defining the guidelines. The latest assessment of the state wise ground water resources as on 31.03.2009 is available at the Central Ground Water Board . As per the ground water resource estimates of 2009, out of the 5842 assessment units (Blocks, Mandals, Talukas, districts), 802 over-exploited units, 169 critical units, 523 semi-critical units, 4277 safe units and 71 saline units have been identified across the country by Central Ground Water Board. The Annual replenishable ground water resources have been estimated as 431 Billion Cubic Meters (bcm). The Net Ground Water Availability is 396 bcm and the overall stage of ground water development of the country is 61%. Therefore, prior permission/NOC from CGWA has to be obtained before construction of any Groundwater abstraction structure viz. Tube wells, Bore wells, Dug wells etc. Allegiance can offers its client the following services: Examining the area of the groundwater against availability Water requirement Availability of aquifer A Shallow aquifer B Deeper aquifer Status of the groundwater development of the area Preparation of proposal for augmentation of groundwater abstraction Preparation and implementation of water conservation measures Facilitation for obtaining NOC from CGWA, New Delhi

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