Tags :
- 4
- The
- use
- day
- Unit
- role
- time
- depth
- quality
- devices
- changes
- Purpose
- 6 inches
- Diameter
- borehole
- Distance
- insights
- Pizometer
- threshold
- Tamil Nadu
- Puducherry
- Compliance
- Regulations
- installation
- data sharing
- hydrogeology
- water levels
- Construction
- Pumping Wells
- dissemination
- 10,000 liters
- coastal tracts
- central server
- ground surface
- recharge rates
- Union Territory
- CGWB Guidelines
- allegianceindia
- high frequencies
- government norms
- Aquifer Behavior
- specialized well
- special attention
- Regulatory bodies
- civil engineering
- seawater intrusion
- web-based platform
- seasonal variations
- valuable information
- Allegiance Enterprise
- groundwater withdrawal
- groundwater monitoring
- Regular data recording
- groundwater extraction
- ground water conditions
- environmental monitoring
- water resource management
- Central Ground Water Board
- National Hydrology Project
- six-hourly water level data
- Allegiance Water Management
- Telemetry Systems piezometers
- Digital Water Level Recorders
- groundwater management strategies
- National Water Informatics Centre
- Water Information Management System
- Climate Response Monitoring Network
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