Tags :
- three
- Years
- field
- India
- Rivers
- misuse
- expert
- access
- efforts
- neglect
- problem
- Roorkee
- wetland
- diseases
- solution
- approach
- Advocacy
- villages
- Hydrology
- awareness
- Challenges
- water woes
- dependence
- Uttarakhand
- Initiatives
- communities
- encroachment
- Dr. VC Goyal
- MNREGA funds
- water bodies
- solid debris
- local bodies
- crucial role
- Deterioration
- Uttar Pradesh
- village ponds
- Opportunities
- Stagnant water
- water security
- local aquifers
- storage capacity
- pressing concern
- rejuvenated ponds
- local land mafias
- significant number
- domestic wastewater
- safe drinking water
- serious water crisis
- significant projects
- unsustainable levels
- acute water shortages
- Allegiance Enterprise
- The National Institute
- District administrations
- Long-Term Sustainability
- pond rejuvenation projects
- Allegiance Water Management
- rapid groundwater depletion
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