"Rain water Harvesting" Groundwater is declining faster than it is being regenerated. The ever-expanding cities of India are suffering major water shortages throughout the year and the gap between demand for water and supply of water keeps increasing with each passing years. The practice of harvesting rainwater (RWH), where rain that falls on rooftops and terraces during the monsoon season is stored in tanks or is channelled into the ground to recharge the water table, is a proven, simple, economic and sustainable means of meeting household demands for water. The overall goal of this project is to introduce, promote and help install rainwater harvesting systems so as to improve the living conditions and urban environment of cities. Allegiance Water Management undertakes various systems to harvest rainwater such as creation of percolation pits, Injection well , Recharge well, contour trenches, bunds, open wells and deepening of all existing water bodies. Allegiance water Management www.allegianceindia.in https://www.allegianceindia.in/product-service/category/rainwater-harvesting-system/1
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