Tags :
- Unit
- Acts
- NOCs
- 100 m
- excess
- country
- January
- Industry
- Commerce
- The CGWA
- proponent
- water use
- irrigation
- completion
- key points
- conditions
- industrial
- PHD Chamber
- three months
- crucial role
- organizations
- audit reports
- Confederation
- allegianceindia
- mining projects
- Indian Industries
- General Guidelines
- certified auditors
- three main sectors
- annual water audit
- conceptual guidance
- groundwater resources
- Hon’ble Supreme Court
- Allegiance Enterprise
- groundwater extraction
- groundwater development
- infrastructure projects
- Ground Water Regulation
- Water Audit Requirements
- Federation Indian Chamber
- No Objection Certificates
- water audit methodologies
- specific government orders
- Environment Protection Act
- Allegiance Water Management
- 20 states/union territories
- water conservation practices
- National Productivity Council
- The Central Ground Water Authority
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