Rainwater collection Pond by Allegiance India

Rainwater collection Pond

INR 2500000

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Water Conservation, Ground Water Rejuvenation and Development via Rainwater Management and Harvesting Rainwater through Ponds and Borewell Recharging Structures to Support Increasing Demand of Water for Daily usage for Domestic, Industrial and Agricultural purposes. Water Conservation and Harvesting Structures in Naturally Water Scarce Regions creates Geo-Hydrological Opportunity and Economic Viability. Ponds recharging structure, farm pond, stop Dam, and small pond etc. It is seen that different Geographical Location and unique Geophysical and Hydrological Nature and every situation needs to be addressed, separately, the groundwater recharge capacity of the varies regions may vary depending upon area specific geophysical nature of earth strata. Recharge Wells provide an opportunity to extract sub-surface flow of the region without exploiting the Groundwater reserve.

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